
In 1950, a group of prominent Houma businessmen informally gathered together for the purpose of starting a new carnival club. Those informal meetings were held at the Mayfair Club on Main Street in Houma. Later that year, the first official meeting was held in the city courtroom in the courthouse following a pre-organization meeting at the office of Dr. Arthur Anisman. The purpose of the club was to bring to the City of Houma the splendor and beauty of a night carnival parade for the first time. At this meeting, officers were elected and the name of the club was decided by popular vote. The founding officers were Frank King, President; Merkle B. Kornegay, Vice-President; Ernest Bille, Secretary and Treasurer. The first Captain of the Krewe of Terreanians was Dr. Arthur Anisman. By parade time, the Krewe of Terreanians had incorporated as The Greater Houma Carnival Club, Inc.

Many obstacles appeared on the road to success for the club this first year; renting floats at an affordable price, transporting the floats to Houma, finding a way to properly illuminate the floats, and securing costumes. However, after hours of hard work, the Krewe of Terreanians held its first parade at 7:30 on the night before Mardi Gras, Monday February 5, 1951. The officers and members of that first year were rewarded for their efforts by seeing the smiling faces of the youngsters, teenagers and adults who lined the streets of Houma. The parade thrilled thousands of the citizens of Terrebonne and those of nearby parishes who journeyed to Houma to view the spectacle and beg for baubles and beads from the maskers. Membership was fewer than 100 men.
Here is the history of presidents and captains for the Krewe of Terreanians.

Years President   Years  Captain
1950-51  Frank King 1950-53 Dr. Arthur Anisman
1950-52 Merkle B. Kornegay 1953-54 Harry Mey
1952-53 Vincent Lopresto 1954-58 Vincent Lopresto
1953-54  Eldon Madere 1958-59 Bud Sharp
1954-55 Dave Schouest 1959-62 Vic Morgan
1955-56 Dr. Arthur Anisman 1962-66 George Fakier
1956-58 Merkle B. Kornegay 1966-75 Dr. Tom Givens
1958-59 Vincent Lopresto 1975-80 Henry Toups
1959-63 Claude B. Duval 1980-82 Dr. Tom Givens
1963-69 Elward T. Brady Sr. 1982-84 John Hollinshead
1969-71 Malcom P. Kraus 1984-89 Harold Haydel
1971-76 Ronnie J. Haydel 1989-94 Dr. Tommy Haydel
1976-77 Henry Toups 1994-02 Hon. Randy Bethancourt
1977-78 Dickie Webre 2002-05 Donnie Braud
1978-80 L.J. Folse 2005-06 Mike "Cus" Prosperie
1980-84 Merkle B. Kornegay Jr. 2006-07 Donnie Braud
1984-86 Jim Erny 2007-09 Rene Rhodes
1986-88 A.P. Prejean Jr. 2009-12 Donnie Braud
1988-91 Merkle B. Kornegay Jr.    
1991-93 Sid Sundberry    
1993-95 John M. DeFraites    
1999-00 John M. DeFraites    
2000-03 Merkle B. Kornegay Jr.    
2003-06 Darryl Brue    
2006-08 Gary Chatagnier    
2008-10 Jason Bergeron    
2010-13 Terry P. Braud Jr.    
2013-16 Charles Kornegay 2012-16 Dane "Peanut" Ledet, Jr.
2017-18 Charles Kornegay 2017-18 Tim Stevens
2018-23 John Poiencot 2018-23

Charles Kornegay

 2023-PresentChris Smart2023-PresentJared Toups

The Krewe of Terreanians is one of Houma's oldest parading carnival clubs.  This year is our 75th Anniversary.
The Krewe of Terreanians  is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 201 S. LaCarpe Circle Houma, LA

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